Starting from:


Highest Self Ecstasy [deep hypno]

Quantum leap, anyone?

Channeling your highest self to manifest your highest timeline has never been so easy! Sit back, relax, and enjoy this deep and sensuously enveloping hypno meditation, designed to help you bring your future self (or desired version of you!) right into the present.

This powerful recording is jam packed with all the latest techniques and advancements in the audio department: theta waves, binaural beats, the solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz and its multiple harmonics, as well as electronic soundscapes showcasing crystal clear, mesmerizing vocals.

And as for the hypnosis itself, you’ll be treated to a thorough induction with a full body relaxation, followed by a revolutionary blend of Humanist hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and spiritual techniques such as channeling and energy work. Think of it as a spa treatment for your soul! Enjoy ✨

Note: it is normal (and desirable!) to loose awareness during the audio. If you find yourself emerging at the conclusion of the audio (and not a few hours later), you actually only emerged from a deep trance state - not sleep, aka theta level of brainwave activity, which is exactly what we're looking for here :) Whether or not you can remember the words that were said in the audio is not important, as the information was indeed delivered to your subsconscious. Trance depth level of this audio: 8/10

Recommended use: listen once daily before bedtime, for 10-12 days. As with all hypno meditation practice, treat it like a workout of sorts: consistency is what will yield you results! Repeat the entire process as often as desired, or do a single listening session for maintenance or whenever you need a boost!


Audio duration: 25'36


Listen to the teaser below: